Secrets of Success
by Diane Linsley
by Bill Harris for the second time in my life. I did it the first time in
2009. The entire course takes eighteen months to complete if you
do one lesson every two weeks. It's a real bargain for the amount
of information you get.
Bill Harris has been my teacher for many years. I started his Holosync meditation program in 2007. It changed my life. In this article, I will discuss my latest insights from doing Bill's course.
Success and Law of Attraction
The biggest secret of success is to focus on what you want, and get your mind off what you don't want. Simply put, you get what you focus on.
This isn't because of magic. It's because focusing on goals creates the motivation to do something. Success requires actually doing something. Law of Attraction works best when you are taking action.
When you are stuck, take action - any action. Does that sound backwards? Most people believe that being stuck means you are on the wrong track, and you need to stop and wait for inspiration to strike. Or you need to "raise your vibration" and "get into a good-feeling place."
Unfortunately, you can stay stuck like that forever. Feeling good is nice, but it's not a substitute for action. John Assaraf says, "Feel the fear, and do it anyway."
How do you take action when you are anxious, or you don't know what to do? Just do something - anything. Successful people don't sit around all day, raising their vibration. They get out and work. Every time you take action, you get feedback (positive or negative - it doesn't matter which) that helps you to self-correct and move closer to success.
Faith and Experimentation
Faith is the willingness to experiment. Experimentation leads to experience. It's like doing a science project. You start with a hypothesis. Then you create a theory, which you attempt to prove with an experiment. After collecting data from the experiment, you know whether or not your theory actually works. Then you can tweak your theory (or create a new theory) and do another experiment.
Belief is like a hypothesis. People believe a lot of things - including things that are unresourceful. Faith happens when you choose a belief consciously then create a theory that you intend to prove. Once you have a theory, you can design an experiment.
When I decided to become a life coach, I had no proof yet that I could do it. It was just a hypothesis. I decided to make the hypothesis into a theory and act with faith by doing an experiment. I joined the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and I got to work.
Frankly, I was terrified. I was going through a very difficult time in my life with an upcoming divorce, and I was not in a good place emotionally. But in spite of the fear, I acted with faith by pushing forward every day, doing my homework assignments, and practicing coaching.
I've had to repeatedly pick myself up after falling. I continue to move forward - changing course when necessary - always with the end goal in mind. I've discovered that inspiration comes to those who are moving their feet.
When you act, the universe gives you feedback. Often, the feedback is negative, like, "Oops, that didn't work so well." But that's not failure! You cannot fail unless you stop trying. Feedback shows you where you need to improve.
I learned this lesson long ago in the early days of my seed business. The suggestions I got from customers were not always complimentary. Sometimes I cried after being criticized. But once I got over the emotional shock, I considered the suggestions. Some of the worst criticisms led to the biggest improvements in my business. These experiences taught me humility, which is the willingness to learn and change.
A Formula for Success
A college student recently interviewed me about my seed business for an assignment in her class on entrepreneurship. I told her the secrets of success, which she had surprisingly never learned in her classes. At one point, she asked me a question that stumped me: "How did you deal with setbacks?"
Honestly, I'd never thought of anything that happened in my business as a setback. I viewed everything as learning experiences. I told her, "There's no such thing as failure. Whenever you act, you either succeed or you have a learning experience. Then you take the next step. The next step appears as you move forward. Sometimes, you can only see one foot in front of you, but you take that step."
The secret is to take action and learn as you go. Nobody knows exactly what to do and how to do it when they are starting out. Inspiration comes as you move forward.
I wake up each morning with the inspiration I need just for that day. On rare occasions, I get big downloads from the universe that give me lots of information for projects that will take years to complete. This happened recently. I don't know how I will accomplish these big goals, but I do know the basic formula for success:
Create a theory. Do an experiment. Observe the results. Make adjustments to your plan based on the feedback you get. Then do another experiment.
Whether you are trying to improve a relationship, maximize your health, succeed in a career, or get enlightened, you can use this method to achieve results.
For every challenge, there is most likely someone in the world who has done it before you. Seek out people who have done what you want to do. Learn from them.
You can also take Bill's course and/or hire a life coach. A coach can't do the work for you, but they can help you get clarity for your goals, change your unresourceful beliefs, and overcome emotional blocks.
Be well,
Diane Linsley