Life Coaching

Welcome to Self-Compassion Coaching with Diane Linsley. I'm a
certified life coach specializing in self-compassion, life transitions,
and spiritual development.

No matter what challenges you are facing in your life, you can
experience more joy and fulfillment as you learn how to treat
yourself with compassion.

What is Self-Compassion Coaching?

Self-compassion is the highest form of self-love. It's a spiritual skill
that grows stronger the more you practice. 

Self-compassion differs from self-esteem in some important ways. Self-esteem is situational. It is based on what you do and your performance in the world. Self-esteem is important because it largely determines your level of success and your ability to achieve your goals. Your feelings of self-esteem indicate how well you are able to meet the challenges of life. Self-esteem often fluctuates, and it can be affected by many factors in the outer world.

Many of us have experienced having our self-esteem shattered by a traumatic event that leaves us less able to cope with the challenges of life. At times like this, self-compassion can heal us. Self-compassion is not dependent on anything or anyone outside of us. It's a skill we can practice every day.

Self-compassion is more than just self-care. Self-care is very important, but self-compassion goes further to include self-discipline and taking responsibility for how we create our own lives. It involves deep healing and personal growth work.

The processes I teach require time and effort, along with the ability to think clearly and the willpower to change habits of thought and action. Ideally, the processes should be practiced every day until they become second nature. The benefits of self-compassion come as a result of doing the work.

Types of Coaching that I Offer

Emotional Coaching - Emotional intelligence is a skill that anyone can learn. It's especially helpful during difficult times such as divorce or the death of a loved one.

Relationship Coaching - Good relationships begin with self-compassion. They require us to overcome codependency and develop healthy boundaries.

Spiritual Coaching - I've experienced enlightenment, near-death experiences, and kundalini awakening. I help people who are going through faith transitions or working on their cognitive development.

Dreamwork Coaching - I've been a lucid dreamer for many years. Dreamwork is one of the most powerful sprititual practices I've ever done. Clients are often amazed at the realizations they have during a dreamwork session.

Voice Dialogue Coaching - Do you ever feel like you are being pulled in two different directions, and you can't make a choice? Voice Dialogue is a process that helps us understand the different parts of ourselves (our inner voices). It can lead to profound spiritual breakthroughs as we transcend the ego and discover our True Self. Voice Dialogue can also be used for emotional healing when we work with voices such as the Inner Child or the Inner Critic.

How to Begin Self-Compassion Coaching

Before contacting me, please read the article called What is Life Coaching? If you feel ready to move ahead with coaching, see the coaching page for contact information.

Check out the articles and guided meditations. To receive new recordings, please subscribe to my YouTube channel or Insight Timer. See the links page for other websites and resources.

Here's my most popular meditation on YouTube.

Be well,
Diane Linsley

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Diane Linsley